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DAV: Class VIII English Practice Book Chapter 3: Modals

DAV: Class VIII English Practice Book

Chapter 3: Modals

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Worksheet 1 - No exercise.

Worksheet 2

1. Discuss with …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

 Students have to be in proper uniform.

Students have to reach school on time.

Students have to finish their projects.

Students have to submit home assignments.

Students have to follow the instructions of teachers.

Students have to keep quiet in the class.

Students have to participate in morning assembly.

Students have to get at least 80 per cent attendance.

Worksheet 3 – No exercise.

Worksheet 4

1. Fill in the …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

(1) You must participate in this drawing competition. I am sure you will win.

(2) My bus stop is half a kilometre away from my house. So, I have to walk down to the stop daily.

(3) You must/have to get the permission letter from your parents if you want to go on the school picnic. That's the Headmaster's order.

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Worksheet 5 – No exercise.

Worksheet 6

1. In the Unit-'Changing Times' …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

 They should help around in the house.

They should dress properly.

They should listen to our advice

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet 7

1. Discuss with …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

Pronoy ought to pay attention to his studies.

He ought to be sensitive to his family’s financial condition.

He ought to understand that his parents are concerned for his well-being.

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet 8 – No exercise. 

Worksheet 9 – No exercise.

Worksheet 10

1. Write a few …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


(a) At a hospital

One must not make a noise at a hospital.

One should not stroll without purpose at a hospital.

One must not litter at a hospital.

One should not use a mobile phone at a hospital.


(b) At an airport

One should not crowd the place at an airport.

One must not talk loudly on phone at an airport.

One must not violate rules at an airport.

One must not make the place dirty at an airport.

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet 11

1. Your friend is going …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

(should do/must do)


He must carry a first-aid box.

He must carry a map of the area.

He should keep a list of helpline numbers.

He should carry enough food.

He must carry power banks to recharge his phone.

(shouldn't do/mustn't do)


He shouldn't touch wild plants.

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book


1. Tick () …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


(a) The food tastes stale. I think we should send it back. The manager must send us a fresh dish instead, without billing us for it.

(b) I have been too busy with my work. I should spend more time with my family.

(c) It is raining heavily outside. You should postpone your programme. But if it is too urgent, you must take the umbrella along. 

(d) We must keep medicines away from small children.

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

----------------------------End of the chapter-------------------------


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