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DAV: Class VI English Practice Chapter 5: Tenses (Part - I)

DAV: Class VI English Practice

Chapter 5: Tenses (Part - I)

Worksheet 1 – No exercise

Worksheet 2

Carefully read …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

Now refer …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


1. She is going to the market.

2. Ravi has gone to school.

3. Leena will be working on the machine at this time tomorrow.

4. ....

5. ....

6. ....

7. ....

8. ....

9. ....

10. ....

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet – 3

Refer to the tense …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


1. They are eating food.

2. The cat has entered the kitchen.

3. The teacher will be teaching the class at this time tomorrow.

4. ....

5. ....

6. ....

7. ....

8. ....

9. ....

10. ....

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet – 4

Complete the following … ‘give’…. (For full question, refer to the book.)






give, gives


will give

does give

did give

shall give

does not give

did not give


am giving

was giving

shall be giving

is giving

were giving

will be giving

are giving


has given

had given

will have given

have given

shall have given

Worksheet – 5

Read the story …. (For full question, refer to the book.)









will get


will not attend




is sleeping

was drinking

will be distributing


has reached

Worksheet – 6

Taking clues …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


1. I paint clay toys.

2. My friend, Reena draws cartoons.

3. Our class monitor, Raghu watches TV.

4. ....

5. ....

6. ....

7. ....

8. ....

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet – 7

Describe your …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


I get up at 6 a.m. I get ready for school. ................... I ................... school. I ................... 2:30 p.m. I .................... Afterwards, I ...................

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet – 8

Look at …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


1. The river falls from the mountain.

2. The sun rises in the east.

3. ....

4. ....

5. ....

6. ....

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet – 9

One day …. (For full question, refer to the book.)




Do you eat bones and bread?



Yes, I eat bones and bread and at times even chocolates.















You are quite lucky, aren’t you?









.... For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book



Thank you, Snoopy. I am grateful to you for this interview.



You’re always welcome.

Worksheet – 10

In the Unit …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

Fill in …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


Vanessa Mae Nicholson is a world famous violinist. At the age of eight, ..........................

At the age of ten, she ...........................

.......................... is one of her popular albums.

Now she likes Mozart, Beethoven, Michael Jackson, etc. She has earned a lot of money as well as international fame. However, some of her teachers are unhappy because they ...........................

For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet – 11

Your friend …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


House No. #4

ABCD Colony

Boring Road

Patna – 800001

Date: 10.11.2020

My dear PQRS

Welcome back to India. Hope you enjoyed your tour.

As you are aware, my birthday fell during your foreign tour. ........................................................... The cake ............................................. except you. They really enjoyed themselves. ..................................................

Please convey my regards to elders and love to kids.

Yours lovingly


For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet – 12

You have recorded …. (For full question, refer to the book.)




What time did you land on the moon?



I landed on the moon sharp at 6 o’clock.















What did you eat there?












Thank.... For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet – 13

Taking words …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

1. They will play games.

2. I shall/will eat an ice-cream.

3. .................

4. ..............................

5. .................................

6. For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Worksheet – 14

In the Unit …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

1. I shall plant trees.

2. I shall/will use electric cars.

3. For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

4. .....................

Worksheet – 15

Mr Arya is going …. (For full question, refer to the book.)

Complete the …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


I shall attend a meeting at 9.00 a.m. on Monday. For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book. I shall/will leave at 4.00 p.m. and reach back on Wednesday night.

Worksheet – 16 – No exercise

Worksheet – 17

Read the sentences …. (For full question, refer to the book.)


1. I am leaving in half an hour.

2. I am going to Mumbai next week.

3. I am leaving the class in two minutes.

4. For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

5. ..

6. ..

7. ..

8. For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

Do It Yourself

Look at the …. (For full question, refer to the book.)



Mr Arya


My daughter is running swiftly to hit the ball.

Mrs Bhatt


My son, Ronny is playing equally well.

Mr Arya


The ball was moving so fast that I feared it might hurt her.

Mrs Bhatt


But she played in an intelligent manner. I will talk to her after the game. I will congratulate her.

Mr Arya


She has not eaten anything before the match.

Mrs Bhatt


Ronny also had only milk.













.. For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book



















.. For all the answers: Buy Model Answer Book

----------------End of the chapter-----------------


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